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Greater Corinth BAPTIST CHURCH
For your family or business ad to be included in the 120th anniversary souvenir book, click here
Sat, April 20th
Drive Thru Prayer & Snack
10:00 a.m- 2 p.m
Sun, June 9th
Student Awards Day
Sun, April 21st
Resurrection Sunrise Service, 6:30 a.m
Morning Worship w/ communion, 10:30 a.m
Kids' Easter Egg Hunt to follow immediately following service
Mon, June 17th-Thur, June 20th
Vacation Bible School (All ages)
Sat, May 4th
Neighborhood Workshop: Wills, Estates, & other money issues
10:00 a.m- 2 p.m
Fri, June 21st-Sat, June 22nd
Women's "This is US"Retreat
(Alto Frio Baptist Encampment, Leakey, TX)
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